Friday, 11 July 2014

Saying Goodbye

Ya estuvo mi tiempo en El Salvador. Que rapido lo fue.

The past few months have gone by fast. My last week in Perquín was dream like and now reality is setting in. I have said goodbye to my dear Perquín.

A year. It seemed like a long time. I could never have known exactly what this past year would bring me. The friends and memories I would make, lesson I would learn, difficulties I would have to overcome. The good and bad moments I experienced. The way God at times showed himself so clearly and at others felt so far away. Oh the things I learned this past year about equality, peace, and justice. Now having left El Salvador I ponder these things and wonder, where do I go from here?

The unique thing about living in another country is that it becomes your own. The problems and challenges EL Salvador faces are not just EL Salvador’s anymore they are mine too.

I love El Salvador, the people, food, clothing, way of life, overall the culture.

So the journey that awaits me will be using this unique education to better my Canada, a privileged country, and now... MY El Salvador, a beautiful but struggling country.

Please be praying for me as I make this transition and try and figure out my new role while I re-entering the western world.

This experience has been eye opening and educating and I have many people to thank for their support and kindness. God has blessed me richly with incredible friends, and a great family and church. Thank you all so much. For being incredibly flexible with strange ways and hours of communication, sending me letters, forgiving me for forgetting birthdays and special occasions, supporting me through prayer or donations, gracias por todo! This year would have looked a lot different it wasn’t for some of the amazing people God has placed in my life. In fact this year likely would not have happened at all if it wasn’t for your kindness and love!

I am really looking forward to reconnecting with you and will be free almost the entire month of August! Please let me know if we can meet up. While in El Salvador I became a coffee drinker so lets go to Tim’s! Not sure it will be able to compare to genuine coffee from El Salvador but we shall see.

I have added some photos and captions that show some of my last few days and activities in Perquín. But I’ll tell you more when I see you in person. ;)

We tried to go to Honduras since Perquin is so close to the border. Unfortunately they did not let us pass and we decided to spend our passo just in front of Honduras. I am behind the sign….so technically I have been to Honduras right? 
Elda and I on los columpios. Ask me about this picture when we have coffee…. there's a story behind it. 
The kids took a trip to see the "bomberos". Firemen can be awful interesting! The kids worked all week to make the things they would need for the paseo. A little notebook to write down what they were learning, a hat and sunglasses to protect themselves from the sun and a water bottle to keep hydrated!

Elena suited up to explain that fireman need to be strong!

Little Carlos and his adorable Nemo hat. It was so cute watching him listening intently and then writing down scribbling words and pictures.

Stopping to have a snack! This is Cesar. If you have followed my blog then you have heard of  Cesar and his big eyes that give away any secrets he might have. On my last day at El Centro Cesar did not come and I was so sad that I wouldn't be getting the chance to say goodbye. But before the end of the day Cesar, his mom, and his cousin Monica another El Centro student came to say goodbye. They gave me some beautiful hugs and a heart shaped box to hold some of my memories . I balled.

After some educational fun at the fire department we went to the park to have some  Ahum…real fun. I LOVE this photo of Enzo. This is how I like to see my little El Centro friends. Nice big happy smiles.

Around and around they go…that would make me so sick.

Eduardito and I…again, if you have read my previous blogs you have already met Eduardo. One of the most adorable boys on the entire planet. Eduardo would not go down the slide if he was not sitting on my lap. We tried…it just did not happen.

After a couple hours of playing these kids had sweat more then my dad on a hot day in the hay male.

My last day at El Centro... funny faces keep me from crying.

But once the goodbye hugs started there was no going back…

…the waterworks had started.

Lets go back to the funny faces.  These kids are a hoot including Emilia!

Before I left I thought it would be fun to do something for my little english class. Here is a photo of some of my "alumnas" and there english certificates. We had a small awards ceremony and every one got a certificate and bag of candy and refresco. The best students  received small prizes.  Susan in the green was one of them :) The prize was a small book of english words and pictures along with a pencil with an animal eraser. I gave michel one of the pencils and a yo-yo for her birthday…she liked the pencil MUCH more then the yo-yo.

A friend picked up the cake for me from Gotera since I would not have time before the party. Little sneak had "buen viaje" written on it. Meaning have a good trip which made it my going away cake. It sure was delicious!

They worked very hard and learned a lot this past 6 months. My little students and friends.

Missing a few family members…but this was the fantastic family that helped me plan and organize my english class this year. They were some of the first real friends I had in Perquín and I consider them a real blessing! My second El Salvadorian family.

There are no words to explain just how much these two have meant to me. Michel was my first friend and my guide this year. Good heavens…how different my Perquin life would be without her there. My forever friend. So many stories, laughter, and love shared.

Franklin is one of the kindess and polite little boys I have ever met. If only every boy on the planet were as gentleman like as him. His laughter is contagious and his smile always genuine. What a kid! These were taken just days before I left. I told them I wanted one nice picture to put in a frame when I get back…but I think I print this one cause it describes us so much better! 

They certainly made it difficult to leave. Some of the cutest kids on the planet!

But it certainly was a blessing to learn from and know each one of them.

I am know in Guatemala for some cool down time and re-entry information. I will be leaving Guatemala on the 21st of July and will be in Pennsylvania until the 26th for a little more prep before yet another adjustment phase.  I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Please be praying for me as I continue to tie up the loose ends of a fantastic year.

Your friend,

Rebekah, Rebe, Bekah, or  Beks