To give you a little peek into my world here are a few of my
favourite stories from El Centro throughout the year. I can certainly
understand why Jesus values children so much. They are honest, compassionate,
curious, fun, and a little crazy.
There’s one little boy named Eduardo. Gahh!! I cannot even
explain how cute he is. He yells almost everything, can’t pronounce almost
anything and is the messiest eater I have ever seen. Doesn’t that sound cute?
Him and another little boy Olvidio are both very hard to
understand. One day I was talking about how I was going to start teaching
English in the daycare and a little boy named Alejandro tapped me on the
shoulder and said “Olvidio and Eduardo already speak English so you don’t need
to teach them”. Unfortunately Olvidio
and Eduardo do not speak English…. or Spanish apparently.
This is Olvidio…the little English speaker. |
There’s a little guy here named Gabriel and he too is
darn-it-all adorable. There’s a very popular song here and the chorus is “I
only want to give one kiss”. So I sing it and he starts running and when I
catch him and give him a big kiss on the cheek he says “Wakala” which means
gross and wipes it off disgustedly. Don’t worry he teases me lots too. Like
when he is changing and threatens to rip the buttons off his shirt if I don’t
help him unbutton it. What a character.
Gabriel…this is face is similar to the one he makes when I start singing dar un beso. |
One day while Lola was teaching a lesson I was on the side
assigning homework. I was listening to the lesson while tracing circles and squares.
The theme of the week was protecting the earth so Lola was teaching the children
to respect animals and insects emphasizing that they have a right to life. The
children were passing around a beetle, which escaped one of the girl’s hands. I
was going to grab some more notebooks when I without any knowledge of the
escaped beetle with the right to life ended up stepping on it. The class went
silent until little Sayri said with a hint of shock in her voice “Rebekah
killed the insect”. She then proceeded to give me dirty looks all day. '
Lola and some of the children I may have traumatized. |
Cesar is one of my very favourite kids in Pre-kinder. He has
these huge eyes that let you know every emotion he’s feeling. After a week of
not coming to the daycare I saw him and his mom in town and made him promise
that he was going to come on the Monday. What I didn’t realize was that I was
leaving that weekend for meetings and didn’t make it back to the daycare until
the following Friday. All the kids were so excited to see me finally show up on
Friday… but before Cesar would give me a hug he gave me a good scolding for not
coming all week. Kids…won’t let you get away with anything.
Daniel, another
little boy in the pre-kinder class, has long curly beautiful hair. He could be
a little child model….but all the other kids think he is a girl. On day the
teacher very specifically explained that Daniel was a boy. “She is a he” she
said, “he is a boy not a girl. HE’S name is Daniel”. Cesar looks up with his big eyes full of
legitimate curiosity and says “ohhhh Daniela”.
He was still a little confused. Most of the kids still are.
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Daniel and his beautiful curly hair. |
At the daycare we highly discourage the kids to play with
pretend guns. You know…recent war… 1000’s of people died. It’s
understandable. So when Geovany was
using a toy doll as a gun and shooting other kids I gave him “the look” (“the
look” is often easier then speaking in Spanish), quite quickly he replied “No
it’s just a water gun…I’m shooting water at them”. I guess that
These kids are little bursts of laughter waiting to happen.
I know I will miss them an incredible amount. But I was a little encouraged my
something lately.
When I first came to El Salvador little boy named Jorge in
the Kinder class gave me a VERY hard time. He never listened to me and one time
even hit me. As time past he started to respect me as an authority figure and
we bonded. So in the new year I was really excited to see Jorge again and all
the other kids I had grown to love. But Jorge left to go to a different school
and I thought I would never see him again. Jorge is back!! He missed El Centro
Infantil and wanted to finish the year with us. I never expected to see Jorge
again but I did.
As the days get fewer and fewer before I leave I do not want
to have the same attitude as I had when Jorge switched schools. Seem’s silly to
be upset about something you have no control over. I had no control over
weather I would ever see Jorge again or not. Only the Lord knows my future
regarding all my little friends in the daycare, in Perquín and Guatemala. It
may be harder then it sounds…but I am going to try not to be sad or worried
about the friendships I have formed here and leave it in God’s hands.
If you really did read all that… felicidades! Thanks for all
your support and prayers this year!
Su amiga,